Grimskull has invaded Graia to steal and salvage the Forge World's vast war supplies, among which are the Imperial Warlord-class Titans manufactured there. The following text contains plot spoilers. His armament matches his formidable bulk, including a deadly power klaw, a rapid-firing twin-linked kustom shoota with combi-rokkits, and a stikkbomb launcher containing both explosive and stun warheads. Grimskull is huge, around 3 meters (10 ft) tall even when hunched, and weighing over 2 long tonnes (4,400 lb). Upon brutally establishing itself as leader, a Warboss grows even larger with each success. The longer any Ork lives and the more it fights, the larger it gets.

The Warboss is the biggest, strongest and most cunning Ork in a Waaagh!, getting the best armor, weapons and wargear available in his horde.